underwater treadmills for dogs

Innovative underwater treadmills for dogs

Hydrotherapy made easy!

Wel­come to our web­site, where you will find fur­ther in­for­ma­tion short­ly.

We have been pro­du­cing un­der­wa­ter tread­mills for dogs for more than ten years. Be­cause we love in­no­va­tions, we lis­ten to ani­mal the­ra­pists very close­ly. That is why the new hydro­trai­ner meets all the re­qui­re­ments of a mo­dern ani­mal physio­the­ra­py prac­tice.

This gives the the­ra­pist more plea­sure in their work, en­ab­ling them to com­plete­ly con­cen­trate on their pa­tients. We look after the rest.

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Have you any questions about the new hydrotrainer?

We will be happy to help you.

Please let us know by email when we can best reach you by phone.

Production and Sales Centre

Waero GmbH
Nikolaus-Otto-Str. 5
24783 Osterrönfeld
Telephone: +49 (0)4331 459949-0
Telefax: +49 (0)4331 459949-7